
Nepal Index


Nepal - The Roof of the World


I have made this page in co-operation with Angela and Helmut Luger from Munich. Helmut has taken all the pictures while Angela wrote the texts. Helmut and Angela use to travel to the most fascinating countries of the earth and present afterwards their travel reports at public slide shows. Have good fun with their impressions of Nepal!

Permanent Impression


Those who want to spent their holiday in Nepal should first abandon all their moral concepts of the western world and be ready to get introduced into another way of life.

Those who want to feel like home in Nepal should not waste their time and money for traveling to this place. On the Indian subcontinent, there are other terms of time, comfort and hygiene. The daily life is not comparable to the one of a western country. But those who are ready to expose themselves with neck and crop to the alien, will be abundantly rewarded in Nepal. Peaceful people and a complex culture that is framed by the mighty coulisse of the highest mountain of the world often leave a permanent impression in the souls of alert travelers.

Himalaya-Mountains: Everest and Company


A peaceful trekking paradise with lovely people - this is Nepal! Many travelers are first driven by their sportive ambition to the country of Everest. Once in a lifetime, one should stand on one peak of the Himalaya - this is often the aim. But the country is much more than only a destination for mountain climbers. Beside of the majestic coulisse of the Himalaya, the small kingdom between Tibet and India offers some unforgettable encounters with a fascinating culture to the open-minded visitor.

The statement that religion is an important part of the life in Nepal is excessively understated: religion is life! For a Nepali, every action has spiritual side effecs. In each success or failure, the gods take a hand in them. Belief and rituals dominate the whole social order. Deities are omnipresent. They live in temples and shrines, in flats, in the maze of alleyways, in the nature and in far mountain peaks. No matter if a buddhist or hindoo, the people center on their religion at least once a day. In form of oblations and devotions, a puja is celebrated. Colourful powder and flower garlands turn all pujas in an exhilarating celebrations of colours.

One can say in a very simplified way that in the lower areas of Nepal, due to the proximity to India, there is the home of the Hinduism and in the Himalaya-regions, people live according to the Tibetan buddhism.

Lieu of the Snow


A third of the highest mountain chain of the world is located in nepal alongside the Tibetan border. With eight of a total of 14 eight-thousanders, heaven and earth come here together. The word Himalaya is originated from the Indian scholars' language Sanskrit and means "Lieu of the Snow".

With a lot of enterprising spirit and a certain level of physical fitness, these days it is possible for almost everybody to visit the "Lieus of the Snow". The way to the mighty giant of the Himalaya that is not seldom stony and struggling leads through a so-called trekking area. In Nepal, people consider a trekking area all country areas that are located more distant than a day excursion on a main road.

Many trekkers join a travel agent. Those who chose this way of hiking do not need to worry about their well-being. The heavy luggage is carried by some pack animals or human load carriers. Some cooks serve some varied food and the tent is also already built-on when the agreed day leg is accomplished.

Those who prefer to be on the way in an independent and autonomous way only have to take their rucksacks over the shoulders and start to march! The main trekking routes in Nepal cannot be missed and there are enough accommodations alongside the ways in which exhausted mountain hikers can get recovered and stay over night.

Jungle and Ice


Nepal is a relatively small country. It has a length of only 800 kilometres and a width of 200 kilometres. It is located on approximately the same degree of latitude as the Canarian Islands. Nepal separates the fertile lowlands of India from the Tibetan plateau that is similar to a desert. The variety of landscapes in this small kingdom is hard to beat. It goes from subtropical jungle to perpetual ice.

On the small base area of Nepal one finds the biggest differences of altitude on erth. Due to this huge differences of altitude it is difficult to reduce the climate of Nepal to a common denominator. The only climatic element that is present all over the country is the monsoon. Depending on the altitude and the temperature, vast quantities of rain or snow fall.

The clearly best time for a trip to Nepal is after the rains in autumn, approximately from beginning of October. The monsoon then cleaned the air. The weather is clear and dry. The sight to the peaks of the Himalaya could not be better. The autumn season is also optimal for visiting the lowlands. Close to the border to India, it is not too hot.

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